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Input to create or update an HSA gift campaign page. All fields are optional and have defaults listed.

input CreateOrUpdateHsaGiftCampaignInput {
description: String
goalAmount: DecimalString
image: StorageReferenceInput
referralCode: String
title: String


CreateOrUpdateHsaGiftCampaignInput.description ● String scalar

The optional description for the HSA gift campaign page. Defaults to null.

CreateOrUpdateHsaGiftCampaignInput.goalAmount ● DecimalString scalar

The optional balance the user is trying to reach. Defaults to null.

CreateOrUpdateHsaGiftCampaignInput.image ● StorageReferenceInput input

The optional image to display on the HSA gift campaign page. Defaults to null.

CreateOrUpdateHsaGiftCampaignInput.referralCode ● String scalar

The optional requested referral code for the HSA gift campaign page. Defaults to the user's name and a 3 digit integer.

CreateOrUpdateHsaGiftCampaignInput.title ● String scalar

The optional title for the HSA gift campaign page. Defaults to null.

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createOrUpdateHsaGiftCampaign mutation