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Input type used to update the status of a claim for reimbursement

input ResolveClaimForReimbursementInput {
action: ResolveClaimForReimbursementAction!
claimId: ID!
denialReason: OfferingClaimsDenialReasonType
denialReasonComment: String
note: String


ResolveClaimForReimbursementInput.action ● ResolveClaimForReimbursementAction! non-null enum

The action to perform on the claim

ResolveClaimForReimbursementInput.claimId ● ID! non-null scalar

The public ID of the claim

ResolveClaimForReimbursementInput.denialReason ● OfferingClaimsDenialReasonType enum

If denying, the reason for denying the claim

ResolveClaimForReimbursementInput.denialReasonComment ● String scalar

If denying, additional comments pertaining to why the claim is denied

ResolveClaimForReimbursementInput.note ● String scalar

A note to be added to the claim