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Represents a claim a consumer has made for reimbursement against a benefit offering

type ClaimForReimbursement {
amount: DecimalString!
amountForDisplay: String!
date: DateString!
evidence(page: PageInput): ClaimForReimbursementEvidence!
id: ID!
merchant: String!
notes(page: PageInput): ClaimForReimbursementNotes!
offering: BenefitsOffering
status: ClaimForReimbursementStatus!


ClaimForReimbursement.amount ● DecimalString! non-null scalar

The amount of the claim (in dollars)

ClaimForReimbursement.amountForDisplay ● String! non-null scalar

The amount of the claim (in dollars, formatted for display). ● DateString! non-null scalar

The date this benefit was used

ClaimForReimbursement.evidence ● ClaimForReimbursementEvidence! non-null object

Evidence for this claim (e.g. receipts, statements, etc.) ● PageInput input

If specified, describes the page of evidence to return ● ID! non-null scalar

The unique ID for this claim

ClaimForReimbursement.merchant ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the merchant associated with this claim

ClaimForReimbursement.notes ● ClaimForReimbursementNotes! non-null object

Notes containing additional information about the claim ● PageInput input

If specified, describes the page of notes to return

ClaimForReimbursement.offering ● BenefitsOffering object

The offering associated with this claim

ClaimForReimbursement.status ● ClaimForReimbursementStatus! non-null enum

The status of this claim

Member of

ClaimsForReimbursementPayload object