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Market data for an instrument.

type InstrumentDetailsMarketData {
ask: InstrumentQuote!
bid: InstrumentQuote!
change: Money!
cumulativeVolume: BigInt!
cumulativeVolumeForDisplay: String!
divYield: DecimalString!
high: Money!
high52Week: Money!
low: Money!
low52Week: Money!
marketCap: BigInt
marketCapForDisplay: String!
open: Money!
peRatio: DecimalString!


InstrumentDetailsMarketData.ask ● InstrumentQuote! non-null object

Information about the lowest unfulfilled bid order on the market. Used when selling an instrument. ● InstrumentQuote! non-null object

Information about the highest unfulfilled ask order on the market. Used when buying an instrument.

InstrumentDetailsMarketData.change ● Money! non-null object

Instrument price change in the day, amount returned in cents.

InstrumentDetailsMarketData.cumulativeVolume ● BigInt! non-null scalar

A running total of daily volume.

InstrumentDetailsMarketData.cumulativeVolumeForDisplay ● String! non-null scalar

A formatted running total of daily volume.

InstrumentDetailsMarketData.divYield ● DecimalString! non-null scalar

Percentage of a company's share price that it pays out in dividends each year.

InstrumentDetailsMarketData.high ● Money! non-null object

The instrument's intraday highest trading price, amount returned in cents.

InstrumentDetailsMarketData.high52Week ● Money! non-null object

Highest price at which the instrument has traded in the last 52 weeks, amount returned in cents.

InstrumentDetailsMarketData.low ● Money! non-null object

The instrument's intraday lowest trading price

InstrumentDetailsMarketData.low52Week ● Money! non-null object

Lowest price at which the instrument has traded in the last 52 weeks, amount returned in cents.

InstrumentDetailsMarketData.marketCap ● BigInt scalar

The total value of all the company's shares of the instrument. Can be null in the case of ETFs.

InstrumentDetailsMarketData.marketCapForDisplay ● String! non-null scalar

The formatted total value of all the company's shares of the instrument. Will be '--' if marketCap is null. ● Money! non-null object

The price at which the instrument first traded when an exchange opens for the day, amount returned in cents.

InstrumentDetailsMarketData.peRatio ● DecimalString! non-null scalar

The price of the instrument divided by the company's annual earnings per share.

Member of

InstrumentDetails object