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Display state and metadata for an Investment Account.

type InvestmentAccount {
accountNumberMasked: String!
availableBalance: DecimalString!
availableBalanceForDisplay: String!
balanceLastUpdated: DateString
brokerageName: String!
createdAt: DateString!
currentBalance: DecimalString!
currentBalanceForDisplay: String!
gateway: InvestmentsGateway!
id: ID!
incomingTransferBalanceSentToday: DecimalString!
incomingTransferBalanceSentTodayForDisplay: String!
investmentAccountStatus: LinkedInvestmentAccountStatus! @deprecated
lastReportedBalance: DecimalString!
lastReportedBalanceForDisplay: String!
outgoingTransferBalanceSentToday: DecimalString!
outgoingTransferBalanceSentTodayForDisplay: String!
pendingIncomingTransfersBalance: DecimalString!
pendingIncomingTransfersBalanceForDisplay: String!
pendingOutgoingTransfersBalance: DecimalString!
pendingOutgoingTransfersBalanceForDisplay: String!
ssoLinkedStatus: SsoLinkedStatus!


InvestmentAccount.accountNumberMasked ● String! non-null scalar

The account number to display in the UI.

InvestmentAccount.availableBalance ● DecimalString! non-null scalar

The monetary balance available for transfer, returned as a decimal string so client can do math.

InvestmentAccount.availableBalanceForDisplay ● String! non-null scalar

The monetary balance available for transfer, returned as a formatted currency string. Minimum value is $0.00.

InvestmentAccount.balanceLastUpdated ● DateString scalar

The date the balance of the investment account was last updated. Will be null if balance not yet updated.

InvestmentAccount.brokerageName ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the brokerage where this account is held.

InvestmentAccount.createdAt ● DateString! non-null scalar

The date the investment account was created.

InvestmentAccount.currentBalance ● DecimalString! non-null scalar

The total monetary balance in this investment account, returned as a decimal string so client can do math.

InvestmentAccount.currentBalanceForDisplay ● String! non-null scalar

The total monetary balance in this investment account, returned as a formatted currency string.

InvestmentAccount.gateway ● InvestmentsGateway! non-null enum

The investments gateway through which this account was opened. ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of this account for mutable operations.

InvestmentAccount.incomingTransferBalanceSentToday ● DecimalString! non-null scalar

The monetary balance of sent investment account withdrawals, but not yet updated in our investment balances table. This is used to update currentBalance in a more real-time way.

InvestmentAccount.incomingTransferBalanceSentTodayForDisplay ● String! non-null scalar

The monetary balance of sent investment account withdrawals, but not yet updated in our investment balances table, returned as a formatted currency string.

InvestmentAccount.investmentAccountStatus ● LinkedInvestmentAccountStatus! deprecated non-null enum

DEPRECATED: No longer supported

Whether this is the PRIMARY investment account - currently, that's all we support.

InvestmentAccount.lastReportedBalance ● DecimalString! non-null scalar

The actual balance we have recorded in the investment balances table. Used to display a summary of transfers on the client.

InvestmentAccount.lastReportedBalanceForDisplay ● String! non-null scalar

The actual balance we have recorded in the investment balances table, returned as a formatted currency string.

InvestmentAccount.outgoingTransferBalanceSentToday ● DecimalString! non-null scalar

The monetary balance of investment account transfers successfully sent to the Investments Gateway, but not yet updated in our investment balances table. This is used to update currentBalance in a more real-time way.

InvestmentAccount.outgoingTransferBalanceSentTodayForDisplay ● String! non-null scalar

The monetary balance of investment account transfers successfully sent to the Investments Gateway, but not yet updated in our investment balances table, returned as a formatted currency string.

InvestmentAccount.pendingIncomingTransfersBalance ● DecimalString! non-null scalar

The monetary balance of pending investment account withdrawals, returned as a decimal string. This is used in conjunction with the investment account balance to prevent overdraft.

InvestmentAccount.pendingIncomingTransfersBalanceForDisplay ● String! non-null scalar

The monetary balance of pending investment account withdrawals, returned as a formatted currency string.

InvestmentAccount.pendingOutgoingTransfersBalance ● DecimalString! non-null scalar

The monetary balance of pending investment account transfers to the Investments Gateway, returned as a decimal string. This is used in conjunction with the HSA balance to prevent overdraft.

InvestmentAccount.pendingOutgoingTransfersBalanceForDisplay ● String! non-null scalar

The monetary balance of pending investment account transfers to Investments Gateway, returned as a formatted currency string.

InvestmentAccount.ssoLinkedStatus ● SsoLinkedStatus! non-null enum

The status of SSO linkage between First Dollar and the Investments Brokerage.

Returned by

finalizeDriveWealthRegistration mutation ● investmentAccount query

Member of

InitiateInvestmentsSsoLinkagePayload object