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Display state and metadata for an Investment Account.

type InvestmentAccountSummary {
accountNumber: ID!
buyingPower: Money!
createdAt: DateString!
currentEquity: Money!
id: ID!
lastUpdated: DateString
patternDayTrades: Int!
status: InvestmentAccountStatus!
unrealizedDayProfitLoss: Money!


InvestmentAccountSummary.accountNumber ● ID! non-null scalar

The account number to display in the UI.

InvestmentAccountSummary.buyingPower ● Money! non-null object

The buying power for this account, amount returned in cents.

InvestmentAccountSummary.createdAt ● DateString! non-null scalar

The date the investment account was created.

InvestmentAccountSummary.currentEquity ● Money! non-null object

The total invested balance in this investment account, amount returned in cents. ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of this account for mutable operations.

InvestmentAccountSummary.lastUpdated ● DateString scalar

The date the balance of the investment account was last updated. Will be null if balance not yet updated.

InvestmentAccountSummary.patternDayTrades ● Int! non-null scalar

The number of day trades the user has made within a rolling 5-day period.

InvestmentAccountSummary.status ● InvestmentAccountStatus! non-null enum

The current status of the user's account.

InvestmentAccountSummary.unrealizedDayProfitLoss ● Money! non-null object

The theoretical profit or loss based on the equity invested over the last day.

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investmentAccountSummary query