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Agreement information used when displaying a list of agreements.

type LegalAgreementsResultsNode {
agreementContentType: LegalAgreementContentType!
agreementType: LegalAgreementType!
bankId: ID
content: LocalizedText!
id: ID!
name: String!
signedAt: DateTimeString
title: LocalizedText!


LegalAgreementsResultsNode.agreementContentType ● LegalAgreementContentType! non-null enum

The content type of the agreement, either URL or HTML

LegalAgreementsResultsNode.agreementType ● LegalAgreementType! non-null enum

The type describing what kind of agreement it is: Rates & Fees, Banking, etc.

LegalAgreementsResultsNode.bankId ● ID scalar

The bank id. Only set if this agreement is required for a given bank

LegalAgreementsResultsNode.content ● LocalizedText! non-null object

A record with SupportedLanguage as the key and a localized value of the agreement ● ID! non-null scalar

The id of the legal agreement ● String! non-null scalar

The agreements's unique identifier.

LegalAgreementsResultsNode.signedAt ● DateTimeString scalar

The time at which the user most recently signed this agreement. Null if user has not yet signed.

LegalAgreementsResultsNode.title ● LocalizedText! non-null object

A record with SupportedLanguage as the key and a localized title of the agreement

Member of

LegalAgreementsListResults object