Totals object describing facts about financial aggregates for an Offering.
type OfferingFundingTotals {
fundingAccountAvailableBalance: DecimalString!
fundingAccountAvailableBalanceForDisplay: String!
fundingAccountCurrentBalance: DecimalString!
fundingAccountCurrentBalanceForDisplay: String!
pendingClaimsAmount: DecimalString!
pendingClaimsAmountForDisplay: String!
pendingFundedAmount: DecimalString!
pendingFundedAmountForDisplay: String!
receivedFundingAmount: DecimalString!
receivedFundingAmountForDisplay: String!
totalFundedAmount: DecimalString!
totalFundedAmountForDisplay: String!
totalOfferingCommitmentAmount: DecimalString!
totalOfferingCommitmentAmountForDisplay: String!
totalUtilizedAmount: DecimalString!
totalUtilizedAmountForDisplay: String!
● DecimalString!
non-null scalar
The available balance of Offering Funding Account in dollars.
This should generally equal 'receivedFundingAmount - totalUtilizedAmount' and should generally equal current balance.
● String!
non-null scalar
The available balance of Offering Funding Account, formatted for display, in dollars.
This should generally equal 'receivedFundingAmount - totalUtilizedAmount' and should generally equal current balance.
● DecimalString!
non-null scalar
The current balance of Offering Funding Account, in dollars.
This should generally equal 'receivedFundingAmount - totalUtilizedAmount'.
● String!
non-null scalar
The current balance of Offering Funding Account, formatted for display, in dollars.
This should generally equal 'receivedFundingAmount - totalUtilizedAmount'.
● DecimalString!
non-null scalar
The current total amount of pending claims for this Offering in dollars.
● String!
non-null scalar
The current total amount of pending claims for this Offering, formatted for display, in dollars.
● DecimalString!
non-null scalar
The current total amount of Pending Offering Funding Events for this Offering in dollars.
This should equal the sum of all Offering Funding Events for this Offering where status is PENDING. Real payment has not been initiated for these funds.
● String!
non-null scalar
The current total amount of Pending Offering Funding Events for this Offering, formatted for display, in dollars.
This should equal the sum of all Offering Funding Events for this Offering where status is PENDING. Real payment has not been initiated for these funds.
● DecimalString!
non-null scalar
The total amount that this Offering has been funded in dollars.
This should equal the sum of all Offering Funding Events for this Offering where status is RECEIVED. This value corresponds to real funds received via ACH.
● String!
non-null scalar
The total amount that this Offering has been funded, formatted for display, in dollars.
This should equal the sum of all Offering Funding Events for this Offering where status is RECEIVED. This value corresponds to real funds received via ACH.
● DecimalString!
non-null scalar
The total amount of all Pending and Received funds in dollars.
This should equal 'pendingFundedAmount + receivedFundedAmount'.
● String!
non-null scalar
The total amount of all Pending and Received funds, formatted for display, in dollars.
This should equal 'pendingFundedAmount + receivedFundedAmount'.
● DecimalString!
non-null scalar
The total amount of debt this organization is committed to pay for this Offering in dollars.
For Offerings that define an initial funding amount (limitForIndividual), this should equal 'limitForIndividuals * enrolledParticipants' after funding completes. More generally, this should equal the total amount of CREDITS (or debits) to the Offering Commitment Account.
● String!
non-null scalar
The total amount of debt this organization is committed to pay for this Offering in dollars, formatted for display.
For Offerings that define an initial funding amount (limitForIndividual), this should equal 'limitForIndividuals * enrolledParticipants' after funding completes. More generally, this should equal the total amount of CREDITS (or debits) to the Offering Commitment Account.
● DecimalString!
non-null scalar
The total amount of funds utilized by the Participants of this offering in dollars.
This value should never exceed 'totalOfferingCommitmentAmount'.
● String!
non-null scalar
The total amount of funds utilized by the Participants of this offering, formatted for display, in dollars.
This value should never exceed 'totalOfferingCommitmentAmount'.