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Implementation of the PendingTransaction interface specific to Investments transactions

type PendingInvestmentsOrderTransaction implements PendingTransaction {
amount: DecimalString!
amountCurrency: String!
amountEstimated: Boolean!
amountForDisplay: String!
createdAt: DateString!
date: DateString!
description: String
direction: TransferDirection!
expectedFundsAvailableDate: DateString!
id: ID!
isUserEditable: Boolean!
note: String
settledOn: DateString
summary: String!
type: TransactionType!


PendingInvestmentsOrderTransaction.amount ● DecimalString! non-null scalar

PendingInvestmentsOrderTransaction.amountCurrency ● String! non-null scalar

PendingInvestmentsOrderTransaction.amountEstimated ● Boolean! non-null scalar

If true, the amount specified is estimated and the user should be notified as such

PendingInvestmentsOrderTransaction.amountForDisplay ● String! non-null scalar

PendingInvestmentsOrderTransaction.createdAt ● DateString! non-null scalar ● DateString! non-null scalar

PendingInvestmentsOrderTransaction.description ● String scalar

PendingInvestmentsOrderTransaction.direction ● TransferDirection! non-null enum

PendingInvestmentsOrderTransaction.expectedFundsAvailableDate ● DateString! non-null scalar ● ID! non-null scalar

PendingInvestmentsOrderTransaction.isUserEditable ● Boolean! non-null scalar

PendingInvestmentsOrderTransaction.note ● String scalar

PendingInvestmentsOrderTransaction.settledOn ● DateString scalar

The date the transfer was settled, absent if the transfer is not in a terminal state.

PendingInvestmentsOrderTransaction.summary ● String! non-null scalar

PendingInvestmentsOrderTransaction.type ● TransactionType! non-null enum


PendingTransaction interface

The base interface for a pending transaction. Intended to include all of the common fields that each pending transaction is guaranteed to have. Custom types can implement this with additional fields if necessary.