The return value of the prepareDocumentUpload mutation
type PrepareDocumentUploadPayload {
downloadIds: [String!]!
uploadConfig: DocumentUploadConfig!
uploadPaths: [String!]!
● [String!]!
non-null scalar
The IDs that will be used to download the uploaded file(s), which will be passed to the download endpoint. The caller can record these values, but we guarantee they will adhere to the format that each entry here will be of <documentGroupId>_<indexOfFileInfo>. For example, if prepareDocumentUpload was called with a documentGroupId of "alexfiles", and fileInfo had 3 entries, then this field would consist of alexfiles_0, alexfiles_1, alexfiles_2
● DocumentUploadConfig!
non-null object
Contains information the client will need about how to actually upload the documents for storage
● [String!]!
non-null scalar
These are the paths that should be used to UPLOAD the file(s) when creating the StorageRef with the Firebase upload API. They will be returned in the order of entries in the fileInfo array passed up.
Returned by