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Reflects the currently recorded registration data for a user who has not completed HSA registration

type RecordedRegistrationData {
hsaEligibilityAnswers: RecordedHSAEligibilityAnswers
identityVerificationSteps: IdentityVerificationSteps
personalInfo: RecordedPersonalInfo
phoneInfo: RecordedPhoneContactInfo
profileInfo: RecordedProfileInfo


RecordedRegistrationData.hsaEligibilityAnswers ● RecordedHSAEligibilityAnswers object

The answers to HSA Eligibility questions provided during registration. If absent, entire object should be empty.

RecordedRegistrationData.identityVerificationSteps ● IdentityVerificationSteps object

Any additional verification steps that we deemed this user needed to run if they were deemed risky

RecordedRegistrationData.personalInfo ● RecordedPersonalInfo object

The identifying information recorded during registration. If absent, user has not completed KYC.

RecordedRegistrationData.phoneInfo ● RecordedPhoneContactInfo object

The verified phone information recorded during registration. If absent, user has not completed phone verification.

RecordedRegistrationData.profileInfo ● RecordedProfileInfo object

The profile information provided during registration. If absent, user has not completed this step.

Returned by

recordedRegistrationData query