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Represents an amount of money, e.g. an account balance which may be positive or negative.

type Money {
amount: Float!
currency: Currency!
display(format: MoneyDisplayFormat = DEFAULT): String!
lowestDenominationAmount: Int!


Money.amount ● Float! non-null scalar

The amount of money in the standard denomination of the target currency. In USD, for example, this represents dollars, where $1.00 is represented as 1, and $1.50 is represented as 1.50.

Money.currency ● Currency! non-null scalar

The ISO-4217 currency associated with this money. Note that only USD is supported at this time.

Money.display ● String! non-null scalar

The amount and currency formatted for display e.g. $10.00

Money.display.format ● MoneyDisplayFormat enum

Used to change the format when displaying money as a formatted string

Money.lowestDenominationAmount ● Int! non-null scalar

The amount of money in the smallest denomination of the target currency. In USD, for example, this represents cents. However, for zero-decimal currencies, this will match the amount.

Member Of

Account object ● AccountFundingSummary object ● BenefitFundingLimitsConfiguration object ● BenefitInitialFundingConfiguration object ● HealthWalletBalanceSummary object ● InitialContribution object ● RecurringContribution object ● Transaction object