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Summary information describing the state of an HSA over a period of time.

type HSAStatementOverview {
accountNumberForDisplay: String!
averageBalanceForDisplay: String!
endingBalanceForDisplay: String!
minimumBalanceForDisplay: String!
startingBalanceForDisplay: String!
statementEndDate: DateString!
statementStartDate: DateString!


HSAStatementOverview.accountNumberForDisplay ● String! non-null scalar

The account number of this HSA.

HSAStatementOverview.averageBalanceForDisplay ● String! non-null scalar

The average balance of the account over the duration of this statement.

HSAStatementOverview.endingBalanceForDisplay ● String! non-null scalar

The balance of the account at the end of this statement.

HSAStatementOverview.minimumBalanceForDisplay ● String! non-null scalar

The minimum balance of the account over the duration of this statement.

HSAStatementOverview.startingBalanceForDisplay ● String! non-null scalar

The balance of the account at the beginning of this statement.

HSAStatementOverview.statementEndDate ● DateString! non-null scalar

The end date of this Statement.

HSAStatementOverview.statementStartDate ● DateString! non-null scalar

The start date of this Statement.

Member of

HSAStatementPayload object