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An AccountStatementPayload models the concrete data provided on a First Dollar HSA Account Statement. This model exactly matches the existing requirements for statement display.

type HSAStatementPayload {
accountHolder: HSAStatementAccountHolderData!
custodian: HSAStatementCustodianData!
depositAccounts: [HSAStatementDepositAccountSummary!]!
id: ID!
overview: HSAStatementOverview!
transactions: [HSAStatementTransaction!]!


HSAStatementPayload.accountHolder ● HSAStatementAccountHolderData! non-null object

Metadata regarding the account holder for the account associated with this statement.

HSAStatementPayload.custodian ● HSAStatementCustodianData! non-null object

Metadata regarding the custodian of the account associated with this statement (in this case, First Dollar).

HSAStatementPayload.depositAccounts ● [HSAStatementDepositAccountSummary!]! non-null object

All accounts summarized in this statement. In practice, there should be only one such account. ● ID! non-null scalar

An opaque identifier for this statement.

HSAStatementPayload.overview ● HSAStatementOverview! non-null object

An overview of the statement, including balances, dates, and changes to the account.

HSAStatementPayload.transactions ● [HSAStatementTransaction!]! non-null object

All transactions that occurred during this statement.

Returned by

hsaRecentActivity query ● hsaStatement query