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Represents an Organization that may have administrators and associated HSAs.

Organizations are expected to be 1-1 with "Employers" who purchase the First Dollar product.

type Organization {
activeOfferingTypes: [BenefitsOfferingAccountType!]
banking: OrganizationBanking
createdAt: DateString!
disbursementMethod: OrganizationDisbursementMethod
disbursementSchedule: OrganizationDisbursementSchedule
earliestDateForDisbursement: DateString
employeeDeductionMatchingTag: String
employerContributionMatchingTag: String
id: ID!
name: String!
organizationCode: String!
payroll: OrganizationPayroll!
payrollSchedule: OrganizationPayrollSchedule
planStartDate: DateString
primaryContactProfile: PrimaryContactProfile
profile: OrganizationProfile


Organization.activeOfferingTypes ● [BenefitsOfferingAccountType!] list enum

The types of benefit offerings the Organization offers that are active

Organization.banking ● OrganizationBanking object

Banking metadata for the Organization.

Organization.createdAt ● DateString! non-null scalar

The date when the organization was created in our system

Organization.disbursementMethod ● OrganizationDisbursementMethod enum

The method the employer uses to disburse contributions and deductions into employee accounts. If this value is null/absent, the employer has not yet selected a method.

Organization.disbursementSchedule ● OrganizationDisbursementSchedule enum

The expected schedule for payroll disbursements. Employers with automated payroll disbursements are not currently prompted to provide this value, but for employers disbursing without a connected payroll, we ask for this to help schedule disbursements.

Organization.earliestDateForDisbursement ● DateString scalar

The earliest date a payroll disbursement may be processed. This allows the organization to effectively pause disbursement as they onboard.

Organization.employeeDeductionMatchingTag ● String scalar

String tag used to match Employee Deduction values from linked payroll data.

Organization.employerContributionMatchingTag ● String scalar

String tag used to match Employer Contribution values from linked payroll data. ● ID! non-null scalar

A unique identifier for this organization. ● String! non-null scalar

The user-displayable name of this organization.

Organization.organizationCode ● String! non-null scalar

A short code for this organization. This code is unique and user-displayable.

Organization.payroll ● OrganizationPayroll! non-null object

Linked payroll metadata for the Organization.

Organization.payrollSchedule ● OrganizationPayrollSchedule object

Payroll schedule for the Organization. Note that this does not require having a linked payroll. If not set, the organization has not yet set up a payroll schedule.

Organization.planStartDate ● DateString scalar

The date an organization's plan should start

Organization.primaryContactProfile ● PrimaryContactProfile object

Profile metadata for the Primary Contact.

Organization.profile ● OrganizationProfile object

Profile metadata for the Organization.