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Defines a payroll schedule for an organization. This is used to reconcile expected versus actual payroll periods and aids with scheduling disbursements.

type OrganizationPayrollSchedule {
examplePayrollDate: DateString!
nonBusinessDayVariation: OrganizationPayrollNonBusinessDayVariation!
scheduleDetails: OrganizationPayrollScheduleDetails!
scheduleType: OrganizationDisbursementSchedule!


OrganizationPayrollSchedule.examplePayrollDate ● DateString! non-null scalar

An example date when payroll has been run. This can be future looking or historical.

This is primarily used for BI_WEEKLY payrollSchedules, but can also be used to validate sanity for this payroll schedule.

OrganizationPayrollSchedule.nonBusinessDayVariation ● OrganizationPayrollNonBusinessDayVariation! non-null enum

How this organization's payroll handles paydays landing on non-business days.

OrganizationPayrollSchedule.scheduleDetails ● OrganizationPayrollScheduleDetails! non-null enum

The expected schedule for payroll disbursements. Employers with automated payroll disbursements are not currently prompted to provide this value, but for employers disbursing without a connected payroll, we ask for this to help schedule disbursements.

OrganizationPayrollSchedule.scheduleType ● OrganizationDisbursementSchedule! non-null enum

The expected schedule for payroll disbursements.

Member of

Organization object