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An input type used when enrolling an Individual in a Benefit

input EnrollIndividualInBenefitInput {
benefitId: ID!
employeeInitialContributionAmount: MoneyInput
employerInitialContributionAmount: MoneyInput
endDate: LocalDate
individualId: ID!
startDate: LocalDate
verificationId: ID


EnrollIndividualInBenefitInput.benefitId ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the Benefit to enroll the Individual in

EnrollIndividualInBenefitInput.employeeInitialContributionAmount ● MoneyInput input

The amount of funds from an employee to be used as an initial contribution upon Benefit Enrollment. If provided, this must be positive, non-zero amount.

EnrollIndividualInBenefitInput.employerInitialContributionAmount ● MoneyInput input

The amount of funds from an employer to be used as an initial contribution upon Benefit Enrollment. If provided, this must be positive, non-zero amount.

EnrollIndividualInBenefitInput.endDate ● LocalDate scalar

The End Date of the Individual Enrollment. If unspecified, defaults to the End Date of the Benefit.

EnrollIndividualInBenefitInput.individualId ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the Individual to enroll in the program

EnrollIndividualInBenefitInput.startDate ● LocalDate scalar

The Start Date of the Individual Enrollment. If unspecified, defaults to the Start Date of the Benefit.

EnrollIndividualInBenefitInput.verificationId ● ID scalar

For Benefits that require verification, the ID of a Verification to validate prior to enrollment. The associated Verification must be in a valid state for enrollment and must belong to the Individual specified by individualId. For Benefits that do not require verification, this attribute is ignored.

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enrollIndividualInBenefit mutation