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An input type used for updating an Individual

input UpdateIndividualInput {
address: PhysicalAddressInput
dateOfBirth: LocalDate
email: EmailAddress
id: ID!
language: SupportedLanguage
mailingAddress: PhysicalAddressInput
name: IndividualNameInput
phoneNumber: PhoneNumber
tin: String


UpdateIndividualInput.address ● PhysicalAddressInput input

A new address for the Individual, if applicable

UpdateIndividualInput.dateOfBirth ● LocalDate scalar

A new date of birth for the Individual, if applicable ● EmailAddress scalar

A new email address for the Individual, if applicable ● ID! non-null scalar

The ID of the Individual to update

UpdateIndividualInput.language ● SupportedLanguage enum

A new language preference for the Individual, if applicable

UpdateIndividualInput.mailingAddress ● PhysicalAddressInput input

A new mailing address for the Individual, if applicable ● IndividualNameInput input

A new name for the Individual, if applicable

UpdateIndividualInput.phoneNumber ● PhoneNumber scalar

A new phone number for the Individual, if applicable

UpdateIndividualInput.tin ● String scalar

A new Tax Identification Number for the Individual, if applicable

Member Of

updateIndividual mutation